jueves, 25 de diciembre de 2014

1 st practice

Great changes require a powerful hand to put them forward. Governments have the power to change society’s future. Moreover, they can help their citizens to have what they need to live, to have a stable life without being or worried about if they can or cannot feed their children. For instance, in Spain, this summer, school canteens should have been opened because parents could not afford to bring enough food to their houses everyday. It is a shame, isn’t it? I propose a strict measure. Governments should increase rich people’s taxes while lowest classes of the society should pay less. If this ever happens, we will be a real developed country. Maybe this measure is not welcome by many, but I am not alone here, I share this utopian thought with sizable minority of the population. We need someone reliable and fair in the head of the governments. For a big change is what we need.

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