domingo, 18 de enero de 2015

Complete essay

There are TV adverts of all brands, types and varieties. From adverts for chocolate, such as Milka with its famous purple-spotted cow, to car adverts with a squeaky clean Mercedes or Volkswagen. Since 2000 more firms have been investing an enormous budget in TV adverts, as they are their main marketing strategy. What are these strategies? Generally, ad men and experts on advertising use catchy jingles and powerful slogans to attract people’s attention. For instance, have you ever heard about these two slogans: “Just do it” or “Connecting people”? I’m sure you have. We are able to remember them because they are short, easy to learn  and stick in the receptor's mind for longer.

It seems that adverts usually have a huge influence in teenagers only, because it is thought we are the part of the society which spends more hours in front of the TV set. However, I am totally against this statement. Apart from this, it is absolutely correct that we are more influenced by adverts because we think that having the last mobile phone or wearing something famous is going to make us cooler and trendy. Nevertheless, there are adverts for everyone, for fathers, mothers, kids, grandpas, grandmas, etc, hence, we all have succumbed to the temptation of buying something because of the advertisement (at least) once in our lives. 

Furthermore, I would like to talk about the most polemic ad I have ever watched. I am referring to “Loewe 2012” advert. On the base of a senseless storyline, we can’t expect a greater job. In this ad there are five or six well-known teenagers who are publicizing this brand by saying that only if you own one of Loewe bags, you will know the real meaning of love and glamour. Furthermore, these teenagers are spoiled and it is very sad to think that their main goal in life is to have one of these bags or leather coats to know what real love is. It is ridiculous, isn’t it? Other ads I hate the most are the ones about the famous “vuelta al cole”, I loathe them because they remind us that our holidays are almost over.

It is noteworthy to mention there are many good adverts which people enjoy watching. For example, Coca-Cola’s ads which are tender, beautiful and sometimes moving. When Christmas is coming, Coca-Cola’s advertisements become another ornament typical of this time. Added to this, there is one I particularly love because of its special effects. The Dior TV commercial of 2011 starring by Charlize Theron, where she is supposed to meet Grace Kelly, Marilyn Monroe and Marlene Dietrich. If I had not known that these performers are dead, I would have totally believed it!


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